令和4年度 秋季卒業生?修了生への祝辞
「われわれ国立大学は、全世界の学問の自由が保障されるとともに、社会の平和と自由で安全な環境の実現を希求します。今回のウクライナ侵攻は、平和を願う私たち国際社会への挑戦であり、武力による一方的な現状変更の試みは、全く容認できないものです。侵攻の即時停止と、平和的な解決を強く望みます。何よりもウクライナにおける、未来を担う子供たちを始めとした人々の安全が確保される必要があります。また、日本国内のウクライナおよびロシアからの留学生、研究者及びそのご家族には、今回の事態に伴うトラブルや不利益が生じないよう、心のケアも含め、国立大学は適切に対応していきます。国立大学協会は、この危機に対し迅速な平和的解決が行われることを国際社会に訴えます。」钱柜娱乐手机版_钱柜娱乐app¥开户平台官网の学長として、国立大学協会のメッセージを強く支持するものです。 (※)
令和4年9月16日 钱柜娱乐手机版_钱柜娱乐app¥开户平台官网学長
梅原 出
「ウクライナ情勢に係る国立大学協会声明」.一般社団法人国立大学協会. 2022.3.4.

Congratulations, graduating undergraduates and graduates!
A total of 25 students and 81 graduate students have successfully completed their degrees, and on September 16, 2022, we are awarding you a diploma to recognize the efforts you have made since enrollment. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it has most certainly been challenging to pursue your studies, complete a senior thesis requiring laboratory experiments and practices, write a master’s or doctoral dissertation, or even read and research academic literature, building your thoughts. You should be proud of yourselves for everything you have achieved.
And, congratulations to family members and others who have supported our graduates in their achievements. I extend my gratitude to you for the significant support you have given to our school.
This year, despite the ongoing pandemic, we decided to have a graduation ceremony with families and other guests present, giving full consideration to the safety and security of the attendants. As the President, I am very pleased that the autumn ceremony is held in person for the first time in three years.
Aiming to be a world-class research university centered on knowledge integration—this is what I have been communicating as my message. Let me elaborate a moment on it by taking the COVID-19 pandemic as an example. Some historians say that Black Death, or plague, which hit Europe in the 14th century, was a factor in the emergence of the Renaissance in the 15th century. They speculate that Black Death inspired people to dwell more on life and death in an effort to escape from deep despair for culture and civilization, unleashing the forces in society that made the Renaissance possible. So what will the COVID-19 pandemic bring? True, there are still many people in the world suffering from COVID-19, but we have managed to combat it by developing vaccines in an extremely short period of time, utilizing knowledge and experience gained in modern times as well as an array of social systems. The development of contemporary natural science, social science, and human science has played a fundamental role in our battle with COVID-19. Vaccines have been developed by pharmaceutical companies and university laboratories, but that was only part of it. We must have systems in place to ensure they are manufactured in a controlled environment and in large quantities, delivered to people securely, and administered to people safely and appropriately. This is literally achievable only through the integrated application of the knowledge of natural science, social science, and human science. Let me reiterate that we humans have gone all out to combat SARS-CoV-2 using all available science, and I am more than proud that you are present at this memorable occasion as a result of studying human science, social science, and natural science while living with the pandemic.
In February, the world was shaken by the news that Russia had waged war on Ukraine. In response, on March 4, the following message was released by the Japan Association of National Universities (JANU):
“We, the national universities of Japan, aspire to the guarantee of academic freedom throughout the world and the realization of social peace and a free and safe environment. The recent invasion of Ukraine is a challenge to our international community desiring peace, and this unilateral attempt to change the status quo by force is completely unacceptable. We strongly hope for an immediate halt to the invasion and a peaceful resolution. Above all, the safety of the people of Ukraine, including the children who bear the future, must be ensured. In addition, national universities will take appropriate measures, including psychological care, to ensure that Ukrainian and Russian students and researchers and their families in Japan will not experience any trouble or disadvantages due to this situation. JANU appeals to the international community for a swift and peaceful resolution to this crisis.”(*)
As President of Yokohama National University, I strongly support the message of the association.
I imagine that you have heard of the term VUCA, an acronym for Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity, which signifies the nature of the contemporary world. In this VUCA world, it is my sincere wish that you take advantage of what you have learned here at Yokohama National University for the next stage in your life. You have learned the basics and applied human science, social science, and natural science. Science, whatever kind it may be, is one of the most respectable human disciplines. It is evidence-based and truth can be discovered by thinking on your own, communicating in your own words, and arguing with others. A scientific mind is a mindset for exploring the essence of things based on evidence. I am confident that it will guide you through to the next phase in this unpredictable world. Please move forward in your life, embracing the scientific mind that has been cultivated here at YNU. This is what I truly hope for you through witnessing the pandemic and other recent unfortunate events.
Let me close my congratulatory address by sincerely wishing you sound health in body and mind. I hope that you will take pride in what you have learned with us to manage through the times of VUCA with a scientific mind, and strive to build a better future.
September 16, 2022
President, Yokohama National University
”JANU statement on the situation in Ukraine”. The Japan Association of National Universities.2022.3.4