令和5年度 秋季卒業生?修了生への祝辞
これら4つの理念に加えて、本年度から「多様性」を理念として加えました。20年ぶりの改定です。新たに加わった「多様性」は、人間と学問の多様性を教育?研究の礎として、新しい価値を共創していくために、性別、 障がい、国籍などを超えて、多様な学生と教職員が尊重し合い共生?協働していく場を構築し、一人一人が豊かにその力を発揮できるようにすることを理念としています。
令和5年9月15日 钱柜娱乐手机版_钱柜娱乐app¥开户平台官网学長
梅原 出
“Secretary-General's press conference - on climate”. 2023.7.27

First, my heartfelt congratulations to all of you who are graduating or receiving your degrees. Today, 34 undergraduate, and 53 graduate students are completing their course and heading to the world from our Tokiwadai Campus. I would like to pay my tribute to all of you for your efforts continued in your studies and research despite having had many difficulties amid the COVID-19 crisis. We would also like to express our sincere gratitude and congratulations to your families and all concerned, who have warmly watched over our graduating students, and have supported to and cooperated with our university.
I am highly delighted that the ceremony is held here in person all together with graduating students, and their family and related members. It is truly a great pleasure for all faculty and staff members at YNU to see all of you have completed your studies and research at YNU and embark on a new chapter in your lives. On behalf of our faculty and staff members, I would like to congratulate you once again.
All graduating students, it could be true our planet is in crisis. On July 27 this year, U.N. Secretary-General António Guterres expressed a sense of urgency as follows:
“Climate change is here. It is terrifying. And it is just the beginning. The era of global warming has ended; the era of global boiling has arrived. The air is unbreathable. The heat is unbearable. And the level of fossil fuel profits and climate inaction is unacceptable. Leaders must lead. No more hesitancy. No more excuses. No more waiting for the others to move first. There is simply no more time for that. It is still possible to (the) limit global temperature rise to 1.5 degrees Celsius and avoid the very worst of climate change, but only with dramatic, immediate climate action.”(*)
Now, I will talk what is important in such an era. It is the “spirit of valuing diversity.
I am certain that you are aware of the YNU’s four principles inscribed in the University Charter: practicality, innovation, openness, and internationality. These are all very important principles. They represent not only the “expertise” or specialized knowledge you have learned in your field of study, but also the “capability” you acquired at the university.
Starting this academic year, a new principle has been added to these four principles: “Be diverse.” This is the first revision of our fundamental principles in twenty years. We value human and academic diversity as the cornerstone of education and research to co-create new value. By upholding the newly added principle, we will ensure that YNU is a place where diverse students and faculty members can live and work together in mutual respect, transcending gender, disabilities, nationality, and other differences so that each individual can richly demonstrate their abilities.
To address global issues, YNU is also working to launch initiatives based on the new principle, “Be diverse.”
On our campus, we have the Typhoon Science and Technology Research Center—the first typhoon research hub in Japan. This center was founded in October 2021 with many universities—from Hokkaido University in the north to The University of the Ryukyus in the south—research institutions, companies, and other organizations joining force for typhoon research. The ultimate way to prevent and reduce disasters is to undertake ambitious initiatives such as containing the massive damage brought about by typhoons that have been aggravated by climate change, particularly global warming, and using the energy of typhoons to generate power.
First, it is necessary to understand the mechanism of the formation and development of typhoons by monitoring with aircraft and satellites and simulation with the supercomputer Fugaku. All scientific and engineering knowledge will be mobilized to research how to make typhoon control and power generation possible.
The construction of social systems required for controlling typhoons, such as domestic and international consensus building, will also be studied. Knowledge of the humanities will be necessary as well for such human intervention in nature. This will be a research effort that integrates all forms of scientific knowledge.
The research at the Typhoon Science and Technology Research Center is a compelling illustration of our scientific method of knowledge integration. What is important is to integrate “diversified knowledge.”
In addition to this center on Typhoon, in April 2023, we established the Research Center for Sustainability, Resilience and Well-being with the aim to prevent and mitigate disasters and the Biosphere Research Unit within the Institute for Multidisciplinary Sciences to address.
You have received an education over the years and cultivated a brilliant individuality. As I stated earlier, you are here today because, at Yokohama National University, you have learned the basics and application of the humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences, fostered your “expertise” in various fields of study, and further refined such knowledge. I hope that you will give full play to your outstanding individuality.
Lastly, I would like to close my congratulatory address by expressing my sincere hope that you will lead a life with a healthy body and mind from tomorrow onward, take pride in what you have learned at Yokohama National University, achieve further personal growth as a member of humanity who will play a central role in creating its future with the “spirit of valuing diversity,” and address the global challenges for the sake of humanity from each of your standpoints.
September 15, 2023
President, Yokohama National University
※United Nations (2023)
“Secretary-General's press conference - on climate”. 2023.7.27
