【Recruiting participants/参加者募集】Hara Elementary School “Hara English Festival”

横浜市立原小学校を訪問し、“Hara English に協力してくれる留学生を募集します。原小学校の先生と2人組になって、絵本の読み聞かせ、歌、宝探し、水族館、果物屋さんなどの活動を行います。
We are looking for international students who would like to visit Yokohama City Hara Elementary School
and help with the "Hara English Festival". You will pair off with a teacher of Hara elementary school
and do the following activity; Reading a picture book, singing a song, treasure hunt, making original
aquarium and fruit shop, and so on.
* 20人程度の児童が教室に来ます。
* 児童が入れ替わり、20 分× 5 回の活動を行います。活動の内容は、原小学校の教員によって決定されます。詳細は、事前説明会(11 月中旬)でお伝えします。
* About 20 students come to the classroom at a time.
* The activity is for 20 minutes × 5 rounds. The activity will be decided by Hara elementary school. The details of the activity will be noticed in a preparation meeting(middle of November).
We are looking for international students who would like to visit Yokohama City Hara Elementary School
and help with the "Hara English Festival". You will pair off with a teacher of Hara elementary school
and do the following activity; Reading a picture book, singing a song, treasure hunt, making original
aquarium and fruit shop, and so on.
* 20人程度の児童が教室に来ます。
* 児童が入れ替わり、20 分× 5 回の活動を行います。活動の内容は、原小学校の教員によって決定されます。詳細は、事前説明会(11 月中旬)でお伝えします。
* About 20 students come to the classroom at a time.
* The activity is for 20 minutes × 5 rounds. The activity will be decided by Hara elementary school. The details of the activity will be noticed in a preparation meeting(middle of November).
2023.11.25 (Sat) 7:40 a.m.~12:30 p.m.会場/Venue
横浜市立原小学校/Yokohama City Hara Elementary School横浜市瀬谷区 阿久和東 4-33-11/4-33-1,Akuwa higashi,Seya ku,Yokohama
English * Non native speakers are welcome to participate as well.申込み方法/Registration
参加を希望する方は10 月16 日(月)17 時までに下記フォームからお申込みください。If you would like to participate, please register below by 17:00 on October 16 (Mon).

钱柜娱乐手机版_钱柜娱乐app¥开户平台官网グローバル推進課留学生係International Students Section
YOKOHAMA National University
Email : kokusai.shien[at]ynu.ac.jp