【開催レポート】第3回YNUハルトプライズ学内予選大会(オンライン)/[Event Report] The Hult Prize OnCampus Final @ YNU
2022 YNU ハルトプライズ チーム「101」が優勝 !
2022 YNU Hult Prize -The winner is "101"
2022 YNU Hult Prize -The winner is "101"

2022年3月12日(土)、ハルトプライズ実行委員会主催で「持続可能な開発目標(SDGs)」に主眼を置いたビジネスコンテストHult Prizeの学内予選大会をオンラインで開催いたしました。今年のテーマは“Getting the World Back to Work”ということで、 2024年までに2,000人分の雇用機会創出を実現するため、学生チームが多様なビジネスプランを発表しました。
On Saturday, March 12, 2022, the Hult Prize OnCampus Final was held at Yokohama National University (YNU) online. This year’s theme was “Getting the World Back to Work” so there were various ideas presented to create 2,000 new employments by 2024.
Ms. Fara Taraie (Country Manager at ImpacTech Japan)
Mr. Karthik Rampalli (Curator at Global Shapers Yokohama Hub)
Ms. TAKITA Momoko (Editor in Chief at Circular Yokohama)
Mr. KURODA Taruho (Senior Director at R&D Asia-Pacific Hub, LEO Pharma)
Ms. SHINAGAWA Yu (Founder and CEO at An-Nahal Inc.)
優勝チームには 「101」が選ばれ、4人のメンバーは春に開催されるRegional Summitと呼ばれる国際予選大会に進みます。勝ち上がるとアクセラレータプログラムに招待され、最終的に国連本部で開催される世界大会に出場する可能性があります。
The winning team of the OnCampus Final at YNU is “101” and the members will be competing at a Regional Summit, where finalists will be invited to participate in the Accelerator Program with a chance to compete at the annual UN Final hosted at United Nations, New York.
Due to the COVID-19 situations, this event was once again held online this year, however, it was wonderful to have a great number of audience on the virtual floor. The organizers hope that this event was an opportunity for audience to begin considering possible actions for social change and to contribute to achieve SDGs in their own way.
On Saturday, March 12, 2022, the Hult Prize OnCampus Final was held at Yokohama National University (YNU) online. This year’s theme was “Getting the World Back to Work” so there were various ideas presented to create 2,000 new employments by 2024.
Ms. Fara Taraie (Country Manager at ImpacTech Japan)Mr. Karthik Rampalli (Curator at Global Shapers Yokohama Hub)
Ms. TAKITA Momoko (Editor in Chief at Circular Yokohama)
Mr. KURODA Taruho (Senior Director at R&D Asia-Pacific Hub, LEO Pharma)
Ms. SHINAGAWA Yu (Founder and CEO at An-Nahal Inc.)
優勝チームには 「101」が選ばれ、4人のメンバーは春に開催されるRegional Summitと呼ばれる国際予選大会に進みます。勝ち上がるとアクセラレータプログラムに招待され、最終的に国連本部で開催される世界大会に出場する可能性があります。
The winning team of the OnCampus Final at YNU is “101” and the members will be competing at a Regional Summit, where finalists will be invited to participate in the Accelerator Program with a chance to compete at the annual UN Final hosted at United Nations, New York.
? | Team Name |
1位 | 101 |
2位 | FiRST |
3位 | WAO |
4位 | IA |
Due to the COVID-19 situations, this event was once again held online this year, however, it was wonderful to have a great number of audience on the virtual floor. The organizers hope that this event was an opportunity for audience to begin considering possible actions for social change and to contribute to achieve SDGs in their own way.
