Urgent Third Application for Student Emergency Aid for Continuance of Studies
Considering the effects of the spread of the novel coronavirus, the Student Emergency Aid for Continuance of Studies (Urgent Third application) has been established as a national program to support students who face difficulties to continue their studies due to a significant decrease in family income or income from part-time jobs.
For application, same as 1st and 2nd application, please make sure to review the Application Guide (For students) prepared by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, and apply as follows if you are eligible.
Application Guide (For students and pupils)
(Reference) Website of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
1.Recipients: college students, graduate school students
(Excluding research students (kenkyusei), accredited auditors (kamokuto rishusei), special auditing students (tokubetsu choko gakusei), special research students (tokubetsu kenkyu gakusei), students who are financially supported by the Japanese Government (Monbukagakusho: MEXT), foreign governments or other institutions such as JICA or World Bank.
※Those who have already received this aid (including those who have been notified of recommendation decision by email on January 20th or on March 1st) and who have been notified of receiving E-SSUP support by email on January 20th or on March 1st are not eligible for this time.
2.How to Apply: Please read the QR code below and apply through the LINE app.
Note: Under the following situation, your application data will be lost.
①10 min. have passed after reading the QR code without pressing the “スタートボタン (start button)”.
②When you press “学校情報リセットボタン (Reset button)” showed after you read the QR code.
If you are in any of these situations, please read the QR code again and press the start button within 10 min. to get your data back. If you leave your data lost and past the deadline, your application will not be accepted.
3.Application Deadline: 10:00 am, Monday, March 14, 2022
4.Those who applied after the deadline (5:00 pm, February 14th) or whose applications were rejected.
Please check your application status (申請状況) on the LINE app.
?”保留中 (Pending)” will be shown for those who applied after the deadline. The screening will be done with the information you have already submitted. If you wish to make some changes to your application, please contact us (see the contact information below).
?”選考外 (Unselected)” will be shown for those who were unselected for 2nd round application. If your situation has changed from the 2nd round application and if you wish to make some changes to your application, please contact us.
○Income Requirement
Regarding the requirement “You are not receiving large sums from family”, 1.5 million yen per year would be a rough standard of receiving large sums. (Even if you are receiving more than 1.5 million yen from family, you can apply with special circumstances.) Tuition fee is included in the amount of support from family.
○If the following conditions are applicable to you, please specify in 3. Items to be Reported.
?Students whose household is a family with multiple children or a single-parent family
?Students who were compelled to take a leave of absence or repeat a year due to economic reasons.
?Students who receive any financial support from the university, private financial foundation or JASSO.
?Those who live with your family but do not receive any support from family.
6.Miscellaneous Please pay attention to the following to help expedite screening.
○Please enter your YNU email address in the field for Email Address.
○As evidence that you live on your own, please submit a copy of rental agreement for the apartment, document proving recent payment of rent, or residence certificate.
○Please submit copies of your income statements or savings passbooks of your payroll account (documents for two months after January of 2020 that show the decrease, and show no improvement current year) to confirm that your income from part-time jobs has significantly decreased (50% or more) due to the effects of the novel coronavirus.
○Students whose household is exempted from paying residence tax Students whose household is exempted from paying residence tax should submit their residence tax exemption certificate (primary earner and the applicant student).
○In addition to the documents mentioned above, if there are required documents specified in the Application Guide, please be sure to submit them. If you cannot submit them, please specify the reasons in 3. Items to be Reported.
○Please provide only an account in the applicant student’s name in 2. Remittance Destination Information. Please also submit a copy of the passbook (documents that show the account holder’s name and account number).
※ You may not always receive the benefit even if you meet all the requirements.
※ The university may interview the applicant as necessary.
※ You will be required to refund the payment if a false statement is made in the application documents.
(Where to Make Inquiries)
Emergency Student Support Benefit Payment Section
Student Affairs Department
Yokohama National University
Japanese students: gakumu-kyufu-n@ynu.ac.jp
International students: gakumu-kyufu-r@ynu.ac.jp
※Please send inquiries from your YNU email address.
In addition, please put your student ID and your name in the subject line.
For application, same as 1st and 2nd application, please make sure to review the Application Guide (For students) prepared by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, and apply as follows if you are eligible.
Application Guide (For students and pupils)
(Reference) Website of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology

1.Recipients: college students, graduate school students
(Excluding research students (kenkyusei), accredited auditors (kamokuto rishusei), special auditing students (tokubetsu choko gakusei), special research students (tokubetsu kenkyu gakusei), students who are financially supported by the Japanese Government (Monbukagakusho: MEXT), foreign governments or other institutions such as JICA or World Bank.
※Those who have already received this aid (including those who have been notified of recommendation decision by email on January 20th or on March 1st) and who have been notified of receiving E-SSUP support by email on January 20th or on March 1st are not eligible for this time.
2.How to Apply: Please read the QR code below and apply through the LINE app.

Note: Under the following situation, your application data will be lost.
①10 min. have passed after reading the QR code without pressing the “スタートボタン (start button)”.
②When you press “学校情報リセットボタン (Reset button)” showed after you read the QR code.
If you are in any of these situations, please read the QR code again and press the start button within 10 min. to get your data back. If you leave your data lost and past the deadline, your application will not be accepted.
3.Application Deadline: 10:00 am, Monday, March 14, 2022
4.Those who applied after the deadline (5:00 pm, February 14th) or whose applications were rejected.
Please check your application status (申請状況) on the LINE app.
?”保留中 (Pending)” will be shown for those who applied after the deadline. The screening will be done with the information you have already submitted. If you wish to make some changes to your application, please contact us (see the contact information below).
?”選考外 (Unselected)” will be shown for those who were unselected for 2nd round application. If your situation has changed from the 2nd round application and if you wish to make some changes to your application, please contact us.
○Income Requirement
Regarding the requirement “You are not receiving large sums from family”, 1.5 million yen per year would be a rough standard of receiving large sums. (Even if you are receiving more than 1.5 million yen from family, you can apply with special circumstances.) Tuition fee is included in the amount of support from family.
○If the following conditions are applicable to you, please specify in 3. Items to be Reported.
?Students whose household is a family with multiple children or a single-parent family
?Students who were compelled to take a leave of absence or repeat a year due to economic reasons.
?Students who receive any financial support from the university, private financial foundation or JASSO.
?Those who live with your family but do not receive any support from family.
6.Miscellaneous Please pay attention to the following to help expedite screening.
○Please enter your YNU email address in the field for Email Address.
○As evidence that you live on your own, please submit a copy of rental agreement for the apartment, document proving recent payment of rent, or residence certificate.
○Please submit copies of your income statements or savings passbooks of your payroll account (documents for two months after January of 2020 that show the decrease, and show no improvement current year) to confirm that your income from part-time jobs has significantly decreased (50% or more) due to the effects of the novel coronavirus.
○Students whose household is exempted from paying residence tax Students whose household is exempted from paying residence tax should submit their residence tax exemption certificate (primary earner and the applicant student).
○In addition to the documents mentioned above, if there are required documents specified in the Application Guide, please be sure to submit them. If you cannot submit them, please specify the reasons in 3. Items to be Reported.
○Please provide only an account in the applicant student’s name in 2. Remittance Destination Information. Please also submit a copy of the passbook (documents that show the account holder’s name and account number).
※ You may not always receive the benefit even if you meet all the requirements.
※ The university may interview the applicant as necessary.
※ You will be required to refund the payment if a false statement is made in the application documents.
(Where to Make Inquiries)
Emergency Student Support Benefit Payment Section
Student Affairs Department
Yokohama National University
Japanese students: gakumu-kyufu-n@ynu.ac.jp
International students: gakumu-kyufu-r@ynu.ac.jp
※Please send inquiries from your YNU email address.
In addition, please put your student ID and your name in the subject line.