【中止】令和3年度秋季卒業式大学院修了式 Fall 2021 Graduation Ceremony
YNU will hold Graduation Ceremony for Fall 2021. Details will be as follows.
Depending on the situation, ceremony details are subject to change.
日時 Date&Time
September 17th(Fri.), 2021 10:30~11:10
場所 Venue
YNU University Education and Culture Hall
卒業生、修了生、教職員等入場時刻 Opening time
(Students are asked to be seated by 10:25.)
大学オリジナルストールの贈呈について About YNU original stole

Students attending the ceremony will be presented with YNU original stole which will be placed on your set. Please wear the stole during the ceremony.
钱柜娱乐手机版_钱柜娱乐app¥开户平台官网感染対策について Measures against the COVID-19
?The ceremony will be held at a minimal scale. Please note that families are kindly asked to refrain from accompanying the ceremony.
?Take your temperature and check your health condition from two weeks prior to the day of the ceremony, and please refrain from participating if you have a fever, cold symptoms, feelings of oppression (breathing difficulties) or severe listlessness (sense of fatigue).
?Please wear a mask during the ceremony.
?Avoid “3C”s in the campus, including when taking photos.
?The ceremony will be livestreamed for those who are not attending the ceremony. Check here for more information.
総務企画部総務企画課 General Planning Division